
邱慈云:A New Proposal for Fusion Power Generation:Beam Target DT Nuclear Fusion Enhancement Utilizing Ion Channeling in Single Crystal

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:A New Proposal for Fusion Power Generation:Beam Target DT Nuclear Fusion Enhancement Utilizing Ion Channeling in Single Crystal

报 告 人:邱慈云(Tzu-Yin Chiu)博士, 中芯国际,Former CEO, BOD member, Vice Chairman

报告时间:2017-08-13 10:00 am


报告摘要:A new thermal nuclear fusion proposal for power generation by bombarding single crystal target with high Tritium (T) content with an energetic atomic Deuterium (D) beam aligned to major crystalline direction. The T is located at specific lattice sites aligned with the channeled energetic D path. Due to the channeling effect, the effective T density, the incident D beam intensity and the range of D particle all will be enhanced. We will show that from various literature sources, one can theoretically estimate that the energy amplification of this new inexpensive proposal may reach 4 to 5, far exceeding energy breakeven. The theoretical estimates, system challenges and proposed experimental verification will all be discussed in this seminar.