
陈静远:Berry Phase in Strongly Interacting Fermions

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Berry Phase in Strongly Interacting Fermions

报 告 人:Jing-Yuan Chen (陈静远)

报告时间:2017-09-20 16:00


报告摘要:Non-Fermi liquid is a class of states of matter emerged from strongly interacting fermions, characterized by the absence of stable quasiparticle excitation, and hence drastically deviate from our Fermi gas intuition. Many studies on such systems are based on phenomenological propositions; concrete theoretical results are extremely rare and any of them can serve as a long-term anchor of the field. I will present that one particular response property -- the static magnetic response -- can be derived from first principles under very general assumptions. The result is formulated in terms of Berry curvature, which is a concept widely used for non-interacting fermions, but here adopted for strongly interacting fermions.