
Jian-Min Wang:Measuring supermassive black hole mass in active galactic nuclei

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Measuring supermassive black hole mass in active galactic nuclei

报 告 人:Jian-Min Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)

报告时间:2:00pm, June 8 (Thursday)


报告摘要:Supermassive black holes (SMBH) generally exist in both dormant and active galaxies. How to measure SMBH masses is the first step to understand coevolution of SMBH and host galaxies. Based on broad-line region physics, reverberation mapping of AGNs is regarded as a major technique of measuring SMBH mass. In this colloquium, I will introduce: 1) what are made of broad-line regions? structure and dynamics? 2) the reverberation mapping of AGNs; 3) related accretion physics as ionizing sources and 4) the latest progress of reverberation mapping campaigns during the last five years in China. Finally, implications of measuring black hole masses are discussed for cosmic evolution of SMBHs, high-z cosmology and detection of nano-Hz gravitational waves.