
Robert J. Cava:Finding New Quantum Materials

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Finding New Quantum Materials

报 告 人:Robert J. Cava,Department of Chemistry, Princeton University

报告时间:10:00 am, Saturday, June 17th,2017


报告摘要:Our research is in finding new materials that help physicists to study interesting electronic and magnetic properties in solids. We have commonly found these materials “the old way” through thinking about how chemistry and properties are linked, and then trying different ideas until a new material with good properties emerges. However in recent years we have explicitly been following up on the predictions of materials theorists, who increasingly are predicting that specific materials will have specific properties. This I would call “the new way” of finding new materials. In this talk I will present specific examples of new materials found “the old way” – geometrically frustrated magnets, gold compounds, topological insulators, and, briefly, several new materials found “the new way” – a strange 122 cluster superconductor, a ferromagnetic Weyl metal, and a material hosting “hourglass Fermions”.