
Junfeng Wang:A High-Definition X-ray View of Nearby Active Galaxies and Their Central Engines

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:A High-Definition X-ray View of Nearby Active Galaxies and Their Central Engines

报 告 人:Junfeng Wang (XMU)

报告时间:2:00pm, May 11 (Thursday)


报告摘要:The circumnuclear region in nearby active galaxies allows a more detailed view of the AGN-host galaxy interaction than their high redshift siblings. However, it is ubiquitously highly complex with presence of ionized gas, collimated radio outflow, and star formation activities, besides the active nucleus. I will present the CHandra Extended Emission Line Region Survey (CHEERS), an X-ray imaging spectroscopic study of the circumnuclear regions of nearby archetypal Seyfert galaxies, designed to take full advantage of Chandra's unique angular resolution by spatially resolving feedback signatures, jet-cloud interactions and merger activities. Supplemented with observations in other wavelength, the line ratios and kinematics provide keys to diagnose if the line emission is excited through photoionization by the active nucleus or through high-velocity shocks generated at the interface between an outflow and the ISM.