
Zhen Hu:CMS实验上底夸克偶素的相关研究与LHC二期升级中一级径迹触发系统的R&D

2020-08-26    点击:


报 告 人:Zhen Hu,Fermilab

报告时间:2017-05-17 15:00


报告摘要:In this presentation, I will briefly review the significant set of results on the bottomonium system from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Upsilon cross section measurements have been carried out at different collision energies in pp collisions, shedding light on the mechanisms of hadron production. Novel measurements are achieved as well in collisions involving heavy ions, including the discovery of sequential suppression, as a most spectacular indication of quark-gluon plasma formation at the LHC.

I will also report on the recent achievement of the CMS Level-1 track trigger R&D project. The silicon based track trigger is crucial for LHC Phase 2 upgrade. At Fermilab, we proposed and demonstrated an Associative Memory + FPGA approach at the end of 2016. The Pulsar II, a custom ATCA full mesh enabled FPGA-based processor board, has been designed for the silicon-based track trigger for the LHC experiments. A pattern recognition mezzanine card has also been designed, manufactured, and tested on the Pulsar II board.