
Huub Rottgering:The formation and evolution of galaxy clusters Recent results from studies with the new LOFAR radio telescope

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:The formation and evolution of galaxy clusters Recent results from studies with the new LOFAR radio telescope

报 告 人:Huub Rottgering(Leiden Observatory)

报告时间:3-4pm, April 26 (Wednesday)

报告地点:South 727, Mong Man-wai Science Technology Building

报告摘要:At very low frequencies, the new pan-European radio telescope, LOFAR, is opening the last unexplored window of the electromagnetic spectrum for astrophysical studies. Operating at frequencies from 15 to 240 MHz, its superb sensitivity, high angular resolution, large field of view and flexible spectroscopic capabilities represent a dramatic improvement over previous facilities at these wavelengths. LOFAR is carrying out a broad range of fundamental astrophysical studies in a number of key science topics including the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies and black holes. A number of recent scientific highlights will be presented.

In the second part we will focus on observations of galaxy clusters. Galaxy clusters are unique laboratories to study some of the most fundamental questions in astrophysics, related to the formation and evolution of galaxies, the physics of particle acceleration, the generation of magnetic fields, the growth of large-scale structure, and cosmology. We will present LOFAR, optical and X-ray observations of diffuse radio emission from colliding clusters that will delineate how cluster merger shocks accelerate particles to relativistic speeds and shape the evolution of cluster galaxies.

Finally, I will provide a brief introduction to Leiden observatory. This institute is part of Leiden University (Netherlands) and its aim is to carry out world-class astronomical research, provide education at bachelors, masters and PhD level, and inform the general public about the most exciting astronomical results and the beauty of the Universe. Our research is wide-ranging, with a particular emphasis on observational and theoretical studies of galaxies and the structures in which they are embedded, on exoplanets, and on star and planet formation.