
Cheng Cheng:Numerical research of the early universe with CMB dataset

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Numerical research of the early universe with CMB dataset

报 告 人:Cheng Cheng (ITP,CAS)



报告摘要:CMB is the earliest information we can get from the universe. An exciting result we get from the CMB observation results is that the scalar fluctuation is adiabatic, which indicates the success of the inflation scenario. But still, there are too many inflation models. Things we can do next step is to characterize features of inflation era. And the purest information we can get from the early time to investigate is the primordial gravitational waves. So, extracting the information of tensor perturbation encoded in CMB data is an interesting work. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the constrain on inflation model with the latest CMB data sets, and if time permits, I will introduce a work about CMB parity asymmetry.