
Shuo Zhang:Probing Cosmic-ray in the Inner Galaxy in the X-ray Regime

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Probing Cosmic-ray in the Inner Galaxy in the X-ray Regime

报 告 人:Shuo Zhang(MIT)



报告摘要:The origin of Galactic cosmic-rays has remained a one of the biggest puzzles for decades. The cosmic-ray population in the inner Galaxy can be indirectly probed in the X-ray window through two channels: X-ray synchrotron emission from TeV particles, and X-ray bremsstrahlung emission from MeV-GeV particle. A unique type of source in the Galactic center, the magnetic filaments, may serve as good probes for TeV electrons in the Galactic center area. Meanwhile, to probe the cosmic-ray particles at the low energy end, molecular clouds in the inner hundreds of parsecs can put a tight constraint on the MeV-GeV cosmic-ray particles. In this talk, I am going to unfold why the magnetic filaments may be a proof of the existence of TeV electrons, and even PeV protons, in the Galactic center. I will also introduce an exciting opportunity to put the first constraints on MeV-GeV cosmic-rays using cloud Sgr B2 in 2017.