
Daniel Santos:Dark Matter Directional Detection

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Dark Matter Directional Detection

报 告 人:Daniel Santos (CNRS)



报告摘要:Many DM direction projects have given sensitive results in various DM mass regions using liquid-Xenon, liquid-Argon, Germanium, etc. However, these detections measure the nuclear recoil energy only, with no ability to identify the direction of these recoils. The neutron background around the detectors will produce nuclear recoils in the same range of energy.

In general, the only signature to correlate a rare event in a detector with our Galactic halo is the nuclear recoil directionality. When the neutrinos from the sun and the atmosphere will become the dominant background, the direct detection "only" experiments will reach a bottleneck and they will be unable to improve the detection sensitivity further.

In order to perform Directional DM detection, low energy nuclear recoil tracks have to be detected. I will show the main results on directionality of the MIMAC collaboration opening a new signature for dark matter detection.