
Yu Sophia Dai :The Power of Infrared Grism Spectroscopy--Insights from the WISP survey

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:The Power of Infrared Grism Spectroscopy--Insights from the WISP survey

报 告 人:Yu Sophia Dai (Caltech)



报告摘要:WISPs (WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel survey) is a Hubble Space Telescope survey,which probes galaxy evolution with parallel infrared grism spectroscopy. This space-based survey covers a broad, continuous spectral range of 0.8--1.7 micron, over thousands of square minutes all over the sky.Over several years, WISPs has measured the redshifts of thousands of low-mass,metal-poor galaxies and galaxies with extreme star formation rates. I will review the progress of the WISP survey, and present scientific highlights, including the evolution of Halpha and [OIII] luminosity functions, the star formation main sequence, and special objects like metal poor dwarfs, z > 6 Lyman alpha emitters, and galaxy pairs. WISPs is the ideal pathfinder to the planning of next generation telescopes such as WFIRST, EUCLID and JWST.