
杨森:Building scalable quantum networks based on solid state qubits

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Building scalable quantum networks based on solid state qubits

报 告 人:杨森(斯图加特大学)



报告摘要:Because of their great potential as the most secure communication system and their promising scalability in quantum computing, quantum information networks emerged and have been an important field in physics research in recent 15 years. Building practical quantum network calls for long coherence time and feasibly scale-up physical systems. In recent 10 years, point defects with individual controllable spins come into the focus due to their scalability, ability of interacting with photons, and long coherence times. One most promising system is the nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. In this talk, we will start by introducing the multi-qubit quantum register composed of an electron spin and several nuclear spins around, the ways to operate them and their coherence properties. By designing photonic structures, we increase the photon collection efficiency which leads to ways of high fidelity spin readout. Emission based and absorption based quantum optical interfaces are realized based on these techniques. We will discuss how to build scalable quantum networks from these two approaches. In the end, progress in other solid state qubit systems like vacancies in SiC, rare earth ion dopant in YAG crystal will be discussed.