
Search for Superconductivity with gating method

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Search for Superconductivity with gating method

报 告 人:陈仙辉,中国科学技术大学



报告摘要:In this talk, we report on our recent progress of novel routes for exploring high-Tc superconductors in FeSe-derived compounds. We realized high Tc with a maximum up to 43 K in single crystals of (Li,Fe)OHFeSe (with initial Tc~25 K), by liquid-ionic gating technique in the thin flakes of single crystal, and observed a striking first-order transition from superconductor to AFM insulator on the strong charge doping region, just at the verge of optimal doping with highest Tc. We also performed electron doping by liquid-ionic-gating technique in FeSe thin flake and achieved an enhancement of Tc up to 48 K (from initially ~10K) with continuously increasing the gate voltage to about 4.2 V. At some certain carrier concentration, a Lifshitz transition was suggested as the sample suddenly changed from low-Tc to high-Tc phase. These results could help researchers to pursuit new path for exploring higher Tc in these materials. Finally, we also talk about realization of superconductivity in 1T-TaS2 by gating method.