
Cosmological constraint on primordial gravitational waves

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Cosmological constraint on primordial gravitational waves

报 告 人:Hideyuki TAGOSHI,Osaka University



报告摘要:KAGRA is a large laser interferometric gravitational wave detector which is now under construction in the mountain of Kamioka mine in Japan. It is planned to perform first short observation in December 2015. The observation of KAGRA with full configulation is also planned in the early 2018. Advanced LIGO in USA, and advanced Virgo in Europe are also being built, and advanced LIGO is expected to perform first observation during the next year. In this talk, I will give a brief summary of the scientific outcome obtained by these laser interferometers including KAGRA. Especially, I discuss the prospect and scientific benefit of the observation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries. I also report the current status of the preparation of the data analysis of KAGRA.