
Observational evidences for both existence of the magnetic monopole and failure of the black hole model of the GC

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Observational evidences for both existence of the magnetic monopole and failure of the black hole model of the GC

报 告 人:Peng Qiuhe,Nanjing University



报告摘要:First, we demonstrate that the abnormally strong radial magnetic field near the GC discovered in 2013 (Eatough et al., 2013) can’t be produced by the ɑ-turbulence dynamo mechanism which is the known most effective dynamo mechanism up to now. However, the discovery that very strong radial magnetic field in the neighbor of the GC has been found is just consistent with the prediction in our paper published on the ApJL in 2001(Peng and Chou 2001). Thus, we believe that this is probably just the astronomical observational evidence for magnetic monopole existence which is predicted by the grand unified theory of particle physics. Second, we demonstrate that the radiations observed from the region nearby the GC are hardly emitted by the gas of accretion disk, due to the accretion disk being prevented from approaching to the GC by the strong radial magnetic field in the neighbor of the GC. However, the dilemma of the standard accretion disk model of black holes in AGNs may be naturally solved in our model of supermassive object (SMO) with magnetic monopoles ( Peng and Chou 2001). The Conclusions are: 1) It could be an astronomical observational evidence of the existence of magnetic monopoles which it predicated in particle physics. 2) The black hole model and accretion disk model of quasars and AGNs are not correct, and then our AGN model containing magnetic monopoles could be a reasonable one. 3) The radiations emitted from the region near the GC may be naturally explained by our model.