
Electronic Nanofabrication of Complex Oxides

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Electronic Nanofabrication of Complex Oxides

报 告 人:Jian Shen,Department of Physics, Fudan University



报告摘要:The development of nanofabrication methods has been the key to success of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Conventional nanofabrication is accomplished by spatial confining structures into nanoscale following the designed patterns. In stark contrast, electronic nanofabrication is done by patterning electronic states of a material system in real space without actual removal of materials. This can only be applied to strongly correlated systems which energetically favor co-existence of electronic phases. In this work, we show that ferromagnetic metallic domains can be patterned in antiferromagnetic insulating matrix in manganites systems using localized magnetic and electric fields. This approach allows us to control the physical properties of the system in a desired manner.