
Importance of Tensor Forces in Nuclei

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Importance of Tensor Forces in Nuclei

报 告 人:Isao Tanihata (古畑勇夫), Osaka University/Beihang University



报告摘要:Pion exchange interaction that is the most important interaction for binding nuclei has the tensor forces with the same amplitude as the central forces. However, except for very light nuclei such as deuteron and 4He, the tensor forces have not been included explicitly for making models of nuclei. The most successful models of nuclei such as shell model or mean field model uses only central forces in the basic interaction and tensor forces are treated as perturbation.

Recent studies of nuclei in wide range of A/Z present a behavior that can be explained only by the inclusion of tensor forces. In this talk importance of tensor forces in nuclei are first reviewed and then the recent studies to observe direct evidences of tensor forces will be presented.