
Time-resolved and element-specific study of magnetic nanostructures using x-rays

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Time-resolved and element-specific study of magnetic nanostructures using x-rays

报 告 人:Ziqiang Qiu,Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley



报告摘要:The advances in spintronics development demand on an element-specific and time-resolved magnetic measurement. Both have been realized by applying soft x-rays at synchrotron sources. In this talk, I will choose two examples to illustrate such applications.

In the first topic, I will talk our ongoing experiment on time-resolved X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) to directly detect the spin-current in a Ferromagnetic/Nonmagnetic/Ferromagnetic (FM/NM/FM) sandwich in which the Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) of one FM layer pumps spin-current into the NM layer and consequently generate the 2nd FM spin procession. In the 2nd topic, I will discuss the application of Photoemission Electron Spectroscopy (PEEM) for the study of artificial magnetic Skyrmions.