
The Monte-Carlo Event Generator WHIZARD

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:The Monte-Carlo Event Generator WHIZARD

报 告 人:Wolfgang Kilian Theoretical Particle Physics at the University of Siegen



报告摘要:The detailed simulation of particle-physics processes at the LHC and at future colliders is a complex problem. In the Monte-Carlo event generator WHIZARD, we combine the optimized semi-analytic calculation of matrix elements with a unique adaptive multi-channel handling of phase space, to enable an efficient and accurate evaluation of observables and event samples for the Standard Model and a large set of new-physics models. Intrinsic and exchangeable external modules handle the interplay with the complete collider environment, including non-perturbative properties of beams and final-state dynamics. We describe the current status of the program as well as plans and strategies to tackle the requirements of physics at the LHC, the planned ILC and further hadron- and lepton-collider projects.
