
Exploring the QCD phase diagram with the functional renormalization group

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Exploring the QCD phase diagram with the functional renormalization group

报 告 人:Bernd-Jochen Schaefer (Graz University, Austria)



报告摘要:The possible emergence of a critical endpoint is one of the distinctive features of the finite temperature and density phase diagram of strongly-interacting matter. With QCD-inspired models the relevant high-density region in the phase diagram can be accessed. In this talk I begin with a brief introduction to the functional renormalization group method and give a rough review of the theoretical progress in our understanding of the QCD phase diagram. The role of quantum and thermal fluctuations is addressed and some applications in heavy-ion collisions are given. Recent results are discussed for the nature of the chiral and confinement-deconfinement phase transitions, their interrelation, and for the thermodynamics as well as finite volume effects.