
Excess of Diffuse Gamma-ray Emission from the Inner Galaxy: Bubbles, Jets, and Dark Matter

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Excess of Diffuse Gamma-ray Emission from the Inner Galaxy: Bubbles, Jets, and Dark Matter

报 告 人:Su Meng,MIT



报告摘要:I will first talk about the discovery of a pair of gigantic bubbles in our Galaxy using data from Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, and the multi-wavelength observations on this so called "Fermi bubble" structure. The bubble structure could be evidence for past accretion events of the central supermassive black hole. I will then summarize the current state of dark matter search with Fermi data, with the focus on gamma-ray line search and diffuse gamma-ray excess at ~GeV. I will end up with a discussion of future gamma-ray space missions, especially our recent proposal of a dedicated gamma-ray satellite mapping the sky from ~10 MeV to ~1 GeV.