
Controlling a nanowire spin-orbit qubit via electric-dipole spin resonance

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Controlling a nanowire spin-orbit qubit via electric-dipole spin resonance

报 告 人:游建强,Beijing Computational Science Research Center



报告摘要:A semiconductor nanowire quantum dot with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) can be used to achieve a spin-orbit qubit. In contrast to a spin qubit, the spin-orbit qubit can respond to an external a.c. electric field, an effect called electric-dipole spin resonance. Here I will show the theoretical results obtained in the strong SOC regime: (i) There is an optimal SOC strength, where the Rabi frequency induced by the a.c. electric field becomes maximal; (ii) both the level spacing and the Rabi frequency of the spin-orbit qubit have periodic responses to the direction of the external static magnetic field. These responses can be used to determine the SOC in the nanowire. Moreover, I will talk about the nanowire double quantum dot with strong SOC and compare the theoretical and experimental results.