
Progress of pulsar backend development and searching for Fast Radio Bursts

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Progress of pulsar backend development and searching for Fast Radio Bursts

报 告 人:Yue Youling,NAOC



报告摘要:I will introduce the recent progress of pulsar backend developed at NAOC and preliminary observation results with YNAO 40-meter radio telescope. The backend is based on CASPER ROACH FPGA board (https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH). It has 1024 channels and the best time resolution is 4us, which is OK for pulsar observation and Fast Radio Bursts searching. Future development of coherent dedispersion mode adding GPU support will greatly improve the observation capability. I will also present a low-cost way for searching Fast Radio Bursts with real-time searching backend based on FPGA and GPU. NAOC now has a 4.5-meter telescope for testing these backends. Everyone is welcome to join the development.