
Atom interferometers for precision measurements

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Atom interferometers for precision measurements

报 告 人:Holger Müller,Department of Physics, UC Berkeley, U.S.



报告摘要:The talk will give an overview of atom interferometry experiments: tests of the equivalence principle at 10^-9 accuracy and a clock that measures time by the rest mass of cesium atoms and thus realizes the unit of mass with state of the art precision. Moreover, I will present our ongoing measurement of the ?ne structure constant. At 2×10^-9 accuracy, it is currently the world’s third best. We have since reduced the leading systematic error about 8-fold and the statistical error about 10-fold. As an outlook, we will discuss atom interferometry as a tool for measuring the acceleration of free fall of antimatter.