
Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Gases: New Physics and Challenges

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Gases: New Physics and Challenges

报 告 人:Hui Zhai,Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University



报告摘要:In this talk I will review recent progresses in studying spin-orbit coupling in ultracold quantum gases. I will discuss several examples of new quantum states and phenomena when spin-orbit coupling is introduced to ultracold atomic gases, which include a novel type of superfluid phase in a Bose gas with stripe order due to the single particle ground state degeneracy and an intriguing finite temperature phase diagram, and novel fermion pairing structure of a resonantly interacting Fermi gas. I will also discuss great challenges in this direction due to heating problem, and I will present a way to overcome the difficulty by utilizing highly magnetic lanthanide atoms.