
Probing the high density EOS of nuclear and neutron rich matter with relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Probing the high density EOS of nuclear and neutron rich matter with relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

报 告 人:Dr. Yvonne Leifels,GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenphysik (德国重离子研究中心)



报告摘要:Understanding the nuclear matter equation of state (EOS) is of fundamental importance in many areas of nuclear physics and astrophysics. The nuclear matter EOS is usually divided into a symmetric matter part independent of isospin asymmetry and an isospin term, also quoted as symmetry energy Esym. In the laboratory, the high density dependence of the nuclear EOS and in particular the symmetry energy can only be studied by means of heavy ion collisions, as in the course of such a collision nuclear matter undergoes compression an expansion phases. In the energy range accessible to the SIS accelerator (0.1-1.5AGeV) at GSI, Darmstadt, nuclear matter is compressed up to 3r0. A multitude of observables have been studied as a function of system size and beam energy – as a follow-up of the pioneering work done at the Heavy Ion accelerator at Berkeley. Despite these studies are limited to stable beams, the investigation of isospin pairs, i.e. p-/p+, t/3He may give access to the symmetry energy at high densities. Experimental observables will be discussed which are predicted to constrain nuclear matter properties by microscopic transport models. Emphasis will be given to the symmetry energy which is the most relevant connection between neutron stars and heavy ion collisions.