
Dense baryonic matter – status and perspective for CBM at SIS100/FAIR

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Dense baryonic matter – status and perspective for CBM at SIS100/FAIR

报 告 人:Norbert Herrmann,University of Heidelberg, Germany



报告摘要:The future experiment CBM@FAIR aims at mapping out the QCD phase diagram at large baryon densities employing heavy-ion reactions with incident energies from 2–45 AGeV. In the startup version, beam energies up to 10AGeV will be available. The talk summarizes the important currently open physics questions in this energy range, e.g. equation-of-state, in-medium modifications of hadrons, equilibration, strange exotica, and the possible experimental strategies to resolve them. Specifically the conceptual design and potential of the CBM experiment will be explained.