
Searching for Supernovae with Small-Size Telescopes in China

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Searching for Supernovae with Small-Size Telescopes in China

报 告 人:王晓锋,金沙总站6165地址物理系天体物理中心



报告摘要:Supernovae represent the death of stars, and are one of the most energetic explosive events in the universe. They are related to diverse aspects in astrophysics, e.g., from stellar evolution to chemical enrichment of the universe. In particular, type Ia supernovae play an important role in observational cosmology. In this talk, I will introduce the supernova survey network that we are trying to establish with some small-size telescopes in China. As the first node of this project, Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS), has successfully discovered over 60 SNe and lots of other transient sources (e.g., novae, variables, and AGNs) during the first-year survey. I will also describe the follow-up observations of supernovae and present some highlight results of our program.