
Tidal disruption of stars: theoretical studies and numerical simulations

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Tidal disruption of stars: theoretical studies and numerical simulations

报 告 人: Dai Lixin,耶鲁大学



报告摘要: When a star approaches a supermassive black hole closer than the tidal radius, the star can be deformed and disrupted by the tidal field of the massive hole. The tidal disruption of a star is a useful subject, as such events can be used to probe quiescent supermassive black holes and the stellar dynamics and accretion physics around them. Candidates of tidal disruption events have been observed using X-ray, UV, optical, and radio telescopes. In this talk I will give a review of our current understanding on the disruption process of the star, the evolution and circularization of the debris stream, and the eventual accretion of the stellar material onto the black hole. With the launch of LSST and the boost of the sample pool size, more sophisticated theoretical treatments are needed in order to effectively detect and extract information from tidal disruption events.