
A Summary of Gravitational Wave Research Activities of LIGO Scientific Collaboration Research Group at Tsinghua University

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:A Summary of Gravitational Wave Research Activities of LIGO Scientific Collaboration Research Group at Tsinghua University

报 告 人:曹军威,金沙总站6165地址天体物理中心



报告摘要:This talk will give an overall introduction to the status of gravitational wave detectors worldwide. In particular, current progress made by advanced LIGO is introduced. A summary of Tsinghua reseaerch activities within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration is also given, including applying advanced computing technology (e.g. cloud computing and virtualization) for LIGO computing infrastructure, GPU acceleration of LIGO data analysis, and multivariant classification of signals and glitches with data from auxiliary channels.