
Cosmology from the CMB power spectrum of the 2500 sq. deg South Pole Telescope Survey and Planck first release

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Cosmology from the CMB power spectrum of the 2500 sq. deg South Pole Telescope Survey and Planck first release

报 告 人:侯臻,UC Davies



报告摘要:Cosmology from the CMB power spectrum of the 2500 sq. deg South Pole Telescope Survey and Planck first release Abstract: We explore extensions to the standard ΛCDM cosmological model using new measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). Adding SPT measurements to WMAP 7 significantly improves constraints on possible extensions to the ΛCDM model; the addition of low-redshift measurements of the Hubble constant (H0) and baryon acoustic oscillation feature (BAO) leads to further improvements. Before combining these datasets, we check for consistency in the LCDM model between measurements of the CMB (SPT+WMAP 7), H0 and BAO, and find evidence for some tension between the datasets. Within the CMB data alone, we find only weak support for physics beyond the ΛCDM model due to a slight trend of decreasing power at smaller angular scales, relative to the prediction of the ΛCDM model. We discuss the physical story of how the constraints on the extensions to the LCDM model could be improved by adding the SPT data and other measurements. In this talk, I will also introduce the cosmological results from Planck first release and its consistency with other cosmological/astrophysical measurements.