
Mapping the Universe with Massive Spectroscopic Redshift Surveys

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Mapping the Universe with Massive Spectroscopic Redshift Surveys

报 告 人:Jean-Paul Kneib (Astronomy Observatory of Marseilles Provence, OAMP)



报告摘要:The vision of our Universe has changed dramatically in the last century, this is of course the results of a better understanding of the physics but also thanks to the growing number of observations of distant galaxies and quasars. With the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe at the turn of the last millennium, cosmologist are now faced to a new mystery that was nicknamed Dark Energy. Important new resources are thus now dedicated to map the large scale structures of the Universe, and a number of new facilities are planned. In particular, I will focus on the recent advances and projects regarding the mapping of the Universe with massive spectroscopic redshift surveys. I will present the latest results from the SDSS/BOSS project focusing on the BAO measurement. Then I will describe what will achieve the next generation spectroscopic surveys, starting with SDSS/eBOSS survey that will start in 2014, and followed by DESI (2018), PFS (2018) and Euclid (2020).