
Chasing the Light: on Laser Plasma Accelerators

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Chasing the Light: on Laser Plasma Accelerators

报 告 人: 鲁巍教授,金沙总站6165地址工物系



报告摘要:The field of plasma accelerators based on laser or charged particle beam driven wakefields has experienced significant progress worldwide in the past decade, with promises to downsize the large scale accelerators and light sources by factor of hundreds to thousands. The so called Blowout Regime for wakefield acceleration has played a very important role for these development. In this talk, I will focus on the important physics of this special regime and show why it is the best choice for accelerating high quality electron beams. The recent progress made in my research group (L2PA) at Tsinghua University will also be presented and discussed.