
Strongly Interacting Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions: some current issues

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Strongly Interacting Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions: some current issues

报 告 人:廖劲峰,Indiana大学



报告摘要:In this talk I will first present a broad discussion on a few current issues in understanding the structure and dynamics of strongly interacting matter created in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions. Emphasizing input from both experiments and lattice QCD computations, I will discuss the thermal (e.g. fluctuations), near-thermal (e.g. transport), as well as far-from-thermal (e.g. glasma) properties of such matter. In the latter part of this talk, I will focus on discussing our recent finding of a new type of axial current generation mechanism in chiral : the Chiral Electric Separation Effect (CESE).