
Basis Light-front Quantization Approach to Quantum Field Theory

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Basis Light-front Quantization Approach to Quantum Field Theory

报 告 人:赵行波,Iowa State University



报告摘要:We introduce a nonperturbative, first principles approach for solving quantum field theory. Based on light-front Hamiltonian formalism, this method provides direct access to the wavefunction of bound states as well as scattering states in a covariant framework. As an initial application we apply it to QED and specifically study the structure of electron. I will present the numerical results for the electron anomalous magnetic moment as well as various generalized parton distribution functions (GPDs) for an electron. As a method in real time, it can bestraightforwardly extended to the time-dependent regime, which provides an ideal solution for time-evolution processes such as scattering, in particular, in the presence of strong background fields. As a first application we apply it to QED in a strong background laser field, and specifically study the process of nonlinear Compton scattering in which an electron is excited by the background and emits a photon. Finally, I will discuss options for future applications to non-perturbative time-dependent processes such as strong interaction hadronization processes.