
Spin transport in textured magnetic materials from first principles

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Spin transport in textured magnetic materials from first principles

报 告 人:袁喆(清华物理系02届本科、05届硕士系友),University of Twente, The Netherlands



报告摘要:A magnet can point up or down in a magnetic field. In magnetic materials, information is stored digitally by using two such "states". A proposal to store information in high-density "racetrack" memories has focused attention on how electric currents in a magnetic material are affected by twisting of the magnetism (so-called a "domain wall") in between regions ("domains") where the magnetism is either all "up" or all "down". However, disordered itinerant ferromagnetic alloys and magnetic domain walls are not readily amenable to theoretical investigation because of their complexity and long length scales. In a recent work, we investigate diffusive transport through a number of domain wallprofiles of the important magnetic alloy Ni80Fe20, Permalloy, taking into account simultaneously non-collinear magnetism, alloy disorder, and spin-orbit coupling fully quantum mechanically, from first principles. The calculation results will be shown and some of its implications will be discussed.