
Orbital dance beyond standard optical lattices

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Orbital dance beyond standard optical lattices

报 告 人:W. Vincent Liu,University of Pittsburgh



报告摘要:Since the 1995 observation of Bose-Einstein condensation, the field of ultracold gases has advanced dramatically, driven to a large extent by rapid development of experimental techniques. Among them, the use of interfering laser beams to form periodic potentials, now widely known as optical lattices, has significantly impacted on the landscape of condensed matter research. In this talk, I will try to present some of the most exciting progresses in two different angles. One is the remarkable success in using optical lattices to model important problems in condensed matter physics. Another is the reach of conceptually new regimes of many-body physics by implementing novel lattice geometries (checkerboard, hexagonal, and double-well). The latter leads to the unprecedented control of population of atoms in the higher orbital bands and opens an avenue towards studying orbital-related topological or correlated phases of matter that have no prior analogues in electronic solids. Background and Perspectives: Nat. Phys. 7, 101 (2011); Nat. Phys. 8, 6770 (2012). Acknowledge support by ARO, AFOSR, and DARPA of the U.S. DOD, A. Mellon Foundation, and NSF of China.