
Higgs boson couplings beyond the Standard Model

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Higgs boson couplings beyond the Standard Model

报 告 人:Aldo.Deandrea,Institute de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon



报告摘要:I discuss the Higgs boson decay processes and its production, and provide a parameterisation tailored for testing models of new physics beyond the Standard Model. I also compare the formalism to other existing parameterisations based on scaling factors in front of the couplings and to effective Lagrangian approaches. At present only simple parameterisations with a limited number of fit parameters can be performed, but this situation will improve with the forthcoming experimental LHC data. Detailed fits can only be performed by the experimental collaborations at present, as the full information on the different decay modes is not completely available in the public domain. It is therefore important that different approaches are considered and that the most detailed information is made available to allow testing the different aspects of the Higgs boson physics and the possible hints beyond the Standard Model.