
Controlling Quantum Devices

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Controlling Quantum Devices

报 告 人:David G. Cory,Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Information Processing Institute for Quantum Computing & Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo and The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

报告时间:10月30日(周二) 10:30-11:30


报告摘要:Quantum devices can outperform their classical counterparts for interesting and important tasks. Although quantum devices are challenging to build, today we can build special purpose devices, particularly as quantum sensors and simulators. However, they are quite challenging to control. I will show examples of how quantum information theory (normally associated with algorithms for quantum computing) can be used to make quantum devices more robust. I will take as an example mater-wave interferometry.