

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目: 黑洞、超新星、原恒星、星系团风、行星状星云Owe

报 告 人: 楼宇庆,清华物理系和天体物理中心



报告摘要:We provide basic descriptions for various astrophysical systems in the universe including black holes, supernovae, proto-stars, galaxy cluster winds, planetary nebulae and so forth. In broad astrophysical contexts, we advance theoretical formulations of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) involving self-gravity for pertinent model scenarios. In particular, we introduce the essence of constructing and searching for self-similar hydrodynamic and MHD solutions with quasi-spherical symmetry involving accretions, outflows and outgoing shocks. Various observational diagnostics and interdisciplinary nature of astrophysical research are discussed. Alternative to the conventional wisdom, we emphasize a novel perspective for nonlinear self-similar MHD and hydrodynamic solutions.