
Quantum simulation in optical superlattice

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Quantum simulation in optical superlattice

报 告 人:陈宇翱,中国科学技术大学



报告摘要:Ultracold atoms in an optical lattice are promising candidates to study quantum many-body phenomena. Here I will present two recent experiments with bichromatic superlattice. In the first part of the talk, I will present our results on direct experimental evidence of a valence bond quantum resonance with ultracold bosonic atoms. Furthermore, I will show how resonating valence bond states with s- and d-wave symmetry can be created and characterized. These two states constitute a minimum basis of a topologically protected qubit. In the second part of the talk, I will report the experimental realization of strong effective magnetic fields with ultracold atoms using Raman assisted tunneling in an optical superlattice. We studied the nature of the frustrated ground state in the presence of an effective staggered magnetic field from its momentum distribution and directly revealed the quantum cyclotron orbit of a single atom exposed to the magnetic field.