
Large momentum large frequency behavior of dynamicstructure factor (DSF) in 1-D repulsive boson gas-An introduction of a series Universal relations and the application of OPE method in cold atom physics

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Large momentum large frequency behavior of dynamicstructure factor (DSF) in 1-D repulsive boson gas-An introduction of a series Universal relations and the application of OPE method in cold atom physics

报 告 人:Ran Qi(齐燃), Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua


报告地点:金沙总站6165地址高等研究院 科学馆322报告厅

报告摘要:Recently (from 2008 to now), a series of universal relations are discovered in atomic quantum gas where the interaction range is much smaller than any other length scales in the system. These relations set up a bridge between the short range (or high energy) correlations of the many-body wave function and the macroscopic properties of the system. The original proof of such relations involves novel mathematic methods and generalized functions first introduced by Shina Tan. Later, another derivation involving OPE (Operator Product Expansion) theory and standard renormalization procedure is introduced. It was found that the OPE method is a very proper framework to investigate the short range properties of a system with contact interaction and the method is easy to generalize to give additional universal relations. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the application of OPE method in cold atom physics and review several important universal relations. Then I will introduce my recent work, cooperating with Pro. Tan, in related field in 1-D system. By combining OPE method with few-body Beth-Ansatz wave function, we obtain a general asymptotic form of DSF in high frequency limit.