
Quantum Communication, Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Photons

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Quantum Communication, Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Photons

报 告 人:Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna and Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information



报告摘要:Entangled photons are a major resource in many quantum information protocols. In quantum cryptography, entangled systems provide the significant advantage of device-independent security. In quantum information processing, measurement-based protocols provide deterministic universal photonic quantum computation. Recent experimental realizations include quantum simulation of a frustrated Heisenberg spin chain and implementation of the fundamental elements for blind quantum computation. There a central quantum computer is able to perform computation such that its operator has no possibility whatsoever to obtain any information performed by an outside user. An interesting future direction of research is long-distance quantum communication with satellites implementing quantum cryptography between any two locations on Earth or connecting users to very distant quantum computation nodes. Another direction is quantum superposition and quantum entanglement in higher dimensional Hilbert spaces. This can be implemented with multi-path micro-optics or with novel quantum states with unconventional wave fronts, like optical angular momentum states where an individual photon can carry any number of units of angular momentum.