
High-Energy Nuclear Collisions and the QCD Phase Structure

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:High-Energy Nuclear Collisions and the QCD Phase Structure

报 告 人:Nu Xu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Central China Normal University



报告摘要:One of the most exciting goals for the field of high energy nuclear collisions is to understand the phase structure of matter with partonic degrees of freedom especially the transition from hadronic phase to partonic phase, the quarkgluon plasma (QGP). It is believed that the QGP phase dominates the evolution briefly during the early time of the Universe. In this talk, after reviewing basic concepts about the high energy nuclear collisions, I will discuss the recent progresses in STAR experiment at RHIC. I will focus on the progresses of the exploring of the QCD phase structure. In addition, I will address briefly our current view on the future physics program at RHIC.