
王青 教授



北京 100084
















































1. Qing-Sen Chen, Hui-Feng Fu, Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang “Chiral effective Lagrangian for excited heavy-light mesons from QCD” Commun.Theor.Phys. 73 (2021) 6, 065202

2. Yi-Da Li, Qing Wang “Beyond symmetries: Anomalies in transverse Ward-Takahashi identities”Phys. Rev. D102,056008(2020)

3. Qing-Sen Chen, Hui-Feng Fu, Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang “Chiral effective Lagrangian for heavy-light mesons from QCD” Phys. Rev. D102,034034(2020)

4. Z.She, L.P.Jia, Q.Yue,...Qing Wang...CDEX Collaboration,”Direct Detection Constraints on Dark Photons with the CDEX-10 Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory” PRL 124, 111301(2020)

5.Xin Chen,Yue Xu,Yongcheng Wu,Yu-Ping Kuang, Qing Wang,Hang Chen,Shih-Chieh Hsu, Zhen Hu,Congqiao Li,“Search for a generic heavy Higgs at the LHC” Phys. Lett. B804, 135358 (2020)

6. Z.Z.Liu, Q.Yue, L.T.Yang...Qing Wang...CDEX Collaboration, “Constraints on Spin-Independent Nucleus Scattering with sub-GeV Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter from the CDEX-1B Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory” PRL 123, 161301(2019)

7. JingLu Ma, Qian Yue, ShinTed Lin, Henry Tsz-King Wong, JinWei Hu, LiPing Jia,Hao Jiang, Jin Li, ShuKui Liu, ZhongZhi Liu, Hao Ma, WeiYou Tang, Yang Tian, Li Wang, Qing Wang, Yi Wang, LiTao Yang, Zhi Zeng, “Study on cosmogenic activation in germanium detectors for future tonne-scale CDEX experiment”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 62, 011011 (2019)

8. H.Jiang,L.P.Jia, Q.Yue..Qing Wang...CDEX Collaboration, “Limits on light weakly interacting massive particles from the first 102.8kgday data of the CDEX-10 experiment” PRL 120, 241301(2018)

9. Hui-Feng Fu, Qing Wang, Libo Jiang,”Derivation of the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations at large Nc limit and symmetry preserving truncations” Phys. Rev. D96,094023(2017)

10. K.Ren, H.F.Fu, Q.Wang, “Derivation of the effective chiral Lagrangian for pseudoscalar, scalar,vector, and axial-vector mesons from QCD” Phys. Rev. D95,074012(2017)

11. S.K.Liu, Q.Yue, …Q.Wang…(CDEX Collaboration)”Constraints on Axion couplings from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory”Phys. Rev. D95,052006(2017)

12. Wang Li,Yue Qian,…Wang Qing…(CDEX collaboration)”First results on 76Ge neutrinoless double beta decay from CDEX-1 experiment” SCi. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 60, 071011(2017)

13. L.T. Yang, H.B. Li,L.P. Ji, H. Jiang, J. Li, F.K. Lin, S.T. Lin, S.K. Liu, J.L. Ma, V. Sharma, L. Singh, M.K. Singh, A.K. Soma, S.W. Yang, L. Wang, Q. Wang, H.T. Wong, Q. Yue, W. Zhao,“Bulk and Surface Event Identication in p-type Germanium Detectors”arXiv:1611.03357v1[physics.ins-det]

14. Chao-Qiang Geng, Da Huang, Chun-Hao Lee, and Qing Wang,”Direct Detecton of Exothermic Dark Matter with Light Mediator” JCAP08,009(2016)

15. W.Zhao,Q.Yue,…Q.Wang…(CDEX Collaboration), “Search of low-mass WIMPs with a p-type point contact germanium detector in the CDEX-1 experiment” Phys.Rev. D93, 092003(2016)

16. Hui-Feng Fu and Qing Wang, “The Quark Propagator in a Truncation Scheme Beyond the Rainbow Approximation” Phys.Rev. D93, 014013(2016), arXiv:1511.01587v1 [hep-ph]

17.Chao-Qiang Geng, Da Huang, Lu-Hsing Tsai and Qing Wang,“Connecting Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter by High-dimensional Lepton Number Violation Operator” JHEP08(2015)141, arXiv: 1507.03455

18. Shao-Zhou Jiang,Zhen-Long Wei,Qing-Sen Chen, Qing Wang, “Computation of the O(p6) order low-energy constants: an update”Phys. Rev. D92, 025014(2015)

19. Nan Chen, Qing Wang, Wei Zhao, Shin-Ted Lin, Qian Yue, Jin Li, “Exothermic isospin-violating dark matter after SuperCDMS and CDEX”Phys. Lett. B743, 205 (2015)

20. SU Jian,ZENG Zhi,…WANG Qing,….“Study of the material photon and electron background and the liquid argon detector veto efficiency of the CDEX-10 experiment” arXiv:1402.4591[physics.ins-det]

21. Q.Yue, W.Zhao,…,Qing Wang,…(CDEX Collaboration) “Limits on light weakly interacting massive particles from the CDEX-1 experiment with a p-type point-contact germanium detector at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory” Phys. Rev. D90, 091701(R)(2014)

22. S.K.Liu,Q.Yue,…. Qing Wang,…(CDEX Collaboration) “Limits on light WIMPs with a germanium detector at 177 eVee threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory” Phys. Rev. D90, 032003(2014)

23. Nan Chen, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, Luca Panizzi, “Higgsphobic and fermiophobic Z' as a single dark matter candidate” JHEP1405,088(2014)

24. Shao-Zhou Jiang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang, “The p6 order full pseudoscalar mesonic chiral Lagrangian under the U group” Phys. Rev. D89, 074048(2014)

25. Ying Zhang, Qing Wang,“Survival of New Physics: An Anomaly-free Neutral Gauge Boson at the LHC” Inter J of Mod Phys A29, no8,1450046(2014)

26. Shao-Zhou Jiang and Qing Wang,“The high order chiral Lagrangian”,Seventh International symposium on chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclei, Beijing, China, 27-30 October 2013. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium, p70, Editors of Li-Sheng Geng, Jie Meng, Qiang Zhao , Bing-Song Zou. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224.

27. Qing Wang“The road of gaining mass for gauge boson: interpretation of Nobel Prize in physics 2013” Chin. Sci. Bull,(2014)59(15):1784

28. Shao-Zhou Jiang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang, “The p6 order full pseudoscalar mesonic chiral Lagrangian under the U group” Phys. Rev. D89, 074048(2014)

29. Chuan Li, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, “Minimal Ward-Takahashi Vertices and Pion Light Cone Distribution Amplitudes from Gauge Invariant, Nonlocal, Dynamical Quark Model” Chinese Physics Letters, 2013年,30卷,第8期,081101页

30. Wei Zhao, Qian Yue, …Qing Wang,…(CDEX Collaboration) “First result on low-mass WIMs from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping underground laboratory”Phys. Rev. D88, 052004(2013)

31. Ke-Jun KANG, Jian-Ping CHENG, Jin LI, Yuan-Jing LI, Qian YUE, et.al. (CDEX Collaboration) Corresponding author:Xue-Qian Li, Qing WANG.“Introduction of the CDEX experiment”,Frontiers of Physics 8,412(2013)

32. Chuan Li and Qing Wang,“Amending the Vafa-Witten Theorem” Phys.Lett.B721,141(2013)

33. ShaoZhou Jiang, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang “Computation of the p6 order low-energy constants with tensor sources” Phys. Rev. D87, 094014(2013)

34. Ying Zhang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing.Wang“The Global Electroweak Fit and its Implication to Z’”Commun. Theor. Phys.61,729(2014)

35.JIA Duo-Jie, ZHANG Jin-Hu, WANG Qing “A note on the soliton picture in a Skyrme-like model”CPC(HEP&NP),2012,36(9):797

36.Ying Zhang, Qing Wang “Parameterization on the general gamma-Z-Z' Mixings” CPC(HEP&NP),2012,36(4):298

37.Feng-Jun Ge, Shao-Zhou Jiang,Qing Wang,“Electroweak chiral Lagrangian from the topcolor-assisted technicolor model with nontrivial technicolor fermion condensation and walking”,Phys.Rev.D84,015009(2011)

38.Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang “Computation of the coefficients for $p^6$ order anomalous chiral Lagrangian” Phys.Rev.D81,094037(2010)

39.Shao-Zhou Jiang, Ying Zhang, Chuan Li, Qing Wang “Computation of the p6 order chiral

Lagrangian coefficients” Phys.Rev.D81,014001(2010)

40. WANG Qing, WANG Shun-Zhi, ZHANG Ying “New Gauge Forces Beyond Standard Model” Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP), 34(2), 277(2010)

41.Ying Zhang, Qing Wang “Z' Boson Mixings with Z-gamma and Charge Assignments” JHEP07(2009)012

42.Hong-Hao Zhang, Kai-Xi Feng, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang “Derivation of Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from One Family Technicolor Model” Modern Phys. Lett. A24,693(2009)

43. Jun-Yi Lang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang “Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian for a Hypercharge-universal Topcolor Model” Phys. Lett. B673, 63(2009)

44.Jun-Yi Lang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang “Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from Natural

Topcolor-assisted Technicolor Model” Phys. Rev. D79,015002(2009)

45. Shun-Zhi Wang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang “Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian for W' Boson” JHEP06(2008)107

46. Shun-Zhi Wang, Qing Wang “Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian for Neutral Higgs Boson”

Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.25, No.6, 1984(2008)

47. Shun-Zhi Wang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang “Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian for Left-right Symmetric Models:The Matter Sector” Phys. Lett. B662,375(2008)

48.Ying Zhang, Shun-Zhi Wang, Qing Wang “Stueckelberg Mechanism and Chiral Lagrangian for Z' Boson” JHEP03(2008)047

49.Hong-Hao Zhang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Jun-Yi Lang, Qing Wang “Electroweak chiral Lagrangian from one-doublet and topcolor-assisted technicolor models” Phys. Rev. D77 issue 5, 055003(2008)

50.Lu Qin, Zhang Ying, Wang Qing “Gauge Covariance and Momentum Space Asymptotically Non-logrithmic Total Derivatives” Commun. theor. Phys. 49, 431(2008)

51. Ying Zhang, Qing Wang “Gauge Covariant Fermion Propagator in Presence of Arbitrary External Gauge Field and its Schwinger-Dyson Equation” Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.25, No.4,1227(2008)

52. Lu Ran, Wang Qing “Equivalence of Different Descriptions for eta Particle in Simplest Little Higgs Model” Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol.24, No.12, 3371(2007)

53.Ying Zhang, Shun-Zhi Wang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang “Electroweak chiral Lagrangian for left-right symmetric models” Phys. Lett. B653(2007)259

54.Li-Ming Wang, Qing Wang “Quadrilinear singlets and Fierz invariants in Spin\otimes SU(n) space” 中国科技论文在线http://www.paper.edu.cn

55. Li-Ming Wang, Qing Wang “Nonstandard Higgs in Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian”

hep-ph/060514, TUHEP-TH-06152, 中国科技论文在线http://www.paper.edu.cn

56.Hong-Hao Zhang,Yue Cao and Qing Wang “The Effects on S, T, and U from Higher-

Dimensional Fermion Representations” Modern Physics Letters A22,2533(2007)

57. Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang and Yue-Liang Wu “Anomalous Action of QCD from the General

Quark Propagator” hep-ph/0602176

58. Qing Wang “On QCD Investigations of Chiral Lagrangian” Int J. Mod. Phys. A20, 1627(2005)

59.Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang, Yue-Liang Wu “Hidden Local Symmetry and Chiral Effective Theory for Vector and Axial-vector Mesons” Eur. Phys. J. C39, 201(2005)

60.Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang “Anomalous Action in Gauge Invariant, Nonlocal, Dynamical Quark Model” Phys. Lett. B560, 188 (2003)

61. Yong-Hong An, Hua Yang, Qing Wang “Gauge and Lorentz Covariant Quark Propagator in an

Arbitrary Gluon Field” Eur. Phys. J. C29, 65(2003)

62. Hua Yang, Qing Wang, Yu-Ping Kuang and Qin Lu “Calculation of the chiral Lagrangian

coefficients from the underlying theory of QCD: A simple approach” Phys. Rev. D66 014019(2002)

63. Qing Wang, Yu-Ping Kuang, Hua Yang, Qing Lu “On QCD predictions for the chiral Lagrangian coefficients” J. Phys. G28, L55(2002)

64. Hua Yang, Qing Wang, Qin Lu “Chiral Lagrangian from gauge invariant,nonlocal, dynamical quark model” Phys.Lett. B532, 240 (2002)

65.Qin Lu, Hua Yang, Qing Wang “Fermion determinant with dynamical chiral symmetry breaking” Commun. Theor. Phys. 38, 185(2002)

66. Xiao-Bin Fan and Qing Wang “Instanton Effects on Gluon Propagator” Commun. Theor. Phys. 38 ,449(2002)

67. Zhi-Min Wang and Qing Wang “Derivation of Bosonic Part of the Electroweak Chiral

Lagrangian from a General Technicolor Theory” Commun. Theor. Phys. 36 ,417(2001)

68. Yingbin liang and Qing Wang, “Phenomenological theory for neutral kaon system beyond

effective Hamiltonian formulation” J. Phys.G27,243(2001)

69. Xuelei Wang ,Zhi-Min Wang and Qing Wang “Derivation of Effective Chiral Lagrangian for the Whole Nonet Pseudo Scalar Goldstone Boson from QCD” Commun. Theor. Phys. 34 ,683(2000)

70. Xuelei Wang and Qing Wang “Derivation of Effective Chiral Lagrangian Involving PSGB and Vector Bosons from QCD” Commun. Theor. Phys. 34 ,519(2000)

71. 肖明, 王学雷, 王青 “推导赝标Goldstone玻色子有效拉氏量”《高能物理与核物理》24卷5期


72. 梁颖斌, 王青 “中性K介子系统唯象理论的修正”《高能物理与核物理》 24卷4期(2000)290页

73. Qing Wang, Yu-ping Kuang, Xuelei Wang and Ming Xiao “Derivation of the Effective Chiral Lagrangian for Pseudoscalar Mesons from QCD” Phys. Rev.D61, 54011 (2000)

74.Shu-Quan Nie, Yu-Ping Kuang, Qing Wang and Yu-Ping Yi, “Nonperturbative explanation of the enhancement factors in QCD sum rule for the ρ meson” Phys. Rev. D56 1489(1997)

75.Qing Wang and A. I. Sanda, “Neutral Kaon system re-investigated” Phys. Rev. D55 3131(1997)

76.王青 “有效拉氏量理论” 第五届全国高能物理代表大会(大会特邀综述报告).1998.4,河北,承德.


77.B. Holdom and Qing Wang, “Dynamical Perturbation Theory and the Auxiliary Field Method” Phys. Rev. D55 3101(1997)

78.Pieter Maris and Qing Wang, “Four-body chiral order parameters in the massless-fermion phase” Phys. Rev. D53 4650(1996)

79.Qing Wang, “Neither charge conjugation nor time reversal are spontaneously broken in quantum chromodynamics” Phys. Rev. D52 7315(1995)

80.Qing Wang, Yu-Ping Kuang, Yu-Ping Yi and Tian-Fang Cai, “Calculation of the four quark condensates in the QCD motivated extended Nambu-Jona-Lasino model” Phys. Lett. B336


81.Hong-Jian He, Yu-Ping Kuang, Qing Wang and Yu-Ping Yi, “Effective potential, renormalization, and non trivial ultraviolet fixed point in D-dimensional four-fermion theories (2in 1/N expansion” Phys. Rev. D45, 4610(1992)

82.Hong-Jian He, Qing Wang and Yu-Ping Kuang, “Multi loop calculation of effective action for local composite operators” Z. Phys C45 427(1990)


1.王青 “深入理解‘拓展的麦克斯韦方程组’”,物理与工程Vol32,No.2,(2022)1

2.王青 “理解王中林院士‘拓展的麦克斯韦方程组’”,物理与工程Vol32,No.1,(2022)3

3.王青 “课程思政背景下面向未来的课程建设”,物理与工程Vol31,No5,(2021)1

4.王青 “高校课程思政如何引领课程面向未来”,中国教育报2021年8月2日星期一,高教周刊03版

5.王青,忻蓓 “物理学类专业课程思政建设的认识与思考”,中国大学教学2021年第1期,43-45页

6.王青 “从大学物理教育反观中小学提问题能力的培养”,物理教学探讨2021年第1期,Vol.39,1-4页

7.王青 “2020年春季学期清华物理系《费曼物理学II》和《电动力学》授课总结——源自苏格拉底的问题驱动式教育:在互动中共同学习和成长”,物理与工程2020年Vol.30,No.5,3-25页

8.王青,郭应寿 “《费曼物理学II》和《电动力学》混合式线上教学实践” 物理与工程2020年Vol.30,No.3,3-10页

9. 王青 “小班教学与翻转课堂:《费曼物理学II》的10年教学实践——纪念费曼先生百年诞辰”,物理与工程,2018年Vol.28,No.4,20-38页

10. 王青 “理解经典电磁学理论”,物理与工程,2018年Vol.28,No.3,10-22页

11. 陈丽,王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的磁单极-V”,物理与工程,2015年Vol.25,No.6,68-80页

12. 王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的磁单极-IV”,物理与工程,2015年Vol.25,No.5,33-35,40页

13. 王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的磁单极-III”,物理与工程,2015年Vol.25,No.3,19-24页

14. 王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的磁单极-II”,物理与工程,2014年Vol.24,No.6,29-33页

15. 王青 “超导与规范对称性,希格斯机制与希格斯粒子—电磁学与电动力学的超导II”物理与工程,2014年Vol24,No.4,3-10页

16. 王青 “2013年诺贝尔物理学奖介绍:规范粒子质量的起源”物理与工程,2014年Vol24,No.1,3-8页

17. 王青 “规范粒子获得质量之路:解读2013年诺贝尔物理奖”,科学通报,2013年第58卷第34期3483-3484页.

18. 王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的磁单极-I”,物理与工程,2013年Vol.23,No.6,8-11页

19. 王青 “电磁学与电动力学中的超导”,物理与工程,2013年Vol23,No.5,1-9页

20. 王青 “金沙总站6165地址物理系的粒子物理研究”,中国科学,2011年41卷第4期,512-514页

21. 王青 “再论质量的起源”,物理,38卷(2009年)10期,699-706页

22. 朱邦芬,王青 “实践叶企孙的教育思想”,物理,38卷(2009年)9期,671-674页

23. 王青 “对称性及其破缺与2008年诺贝尔物理学奖”,物理与工程,2009年Vol19,No.1,2-6页

24. 朱邦芬,王青 “清华物理80年”物理,35卷(2006年)5期,352-358页


1. 王青 编译自Georgi Dvali. Physics Today,2015,(1):38



2. 王青 编译自Gerald Gabrielse. Physics Today,2013,(12):64



3. 王青 编译自Paul Grannis,Peter Jenni. Physics Today,2013,(6):38



4. 王青 编译自Johanna Miller. Physics Today,2012,(9):12



5. 王青 编译自Steven Weinberg. Physics Today,2011,(8):29

