



北京 100084






教育: 金沙总站6165地址工程物理系毕业(六年制)(1959-1965)


金沙总站6165地址核能技术设计研究院 助教(1965-1977)

金沙总站6165地址工程物理系、物理系 助教、讲师(1977-1986)

金沙总站6165地址物理系 副教授(1986-1990)

金沙总站6165地址物理系 教授、博导、校学位委委员分会主席(1990-)








本科课程 “复变函数”(1985-1995春季学期)









主要从事物理与材料科学领域低维物理与材料设计方面的研究工作:低维材料与纳米结构的量子特性预测与调控的基础研究;低维材料设计的理论模型和计算方法的创新研究;材料、信息与物理在量子科学技术交叉层面上的潜在应用研究。作为课题负责人承担了863计划等五个国家重点项目及多个部委项目,现正在进行的项目: “低维结构中杂质及少体作用对光电量子特性的影响”(NSF(重大研究计划)2002.1—2004.12)


“掺杂半导体低维结构和碳纳米管量子特性的预测与调控研究”(NSF 2004.1-2006.12)




奖励荣誉 “低维结构的量子特性及计算设计研究” 2000年度国家自然科学奖 二等奖(2001, 第一完成人)

“半导体合金,无序系统和超晶格的电子结构” 国家教委科学技术进步奖 二等奖(1990,第一完成人)

“电子结构与材料微观结构设计” 国家教委科学技术进步奖 二等奖(1994,第二完成人)

“低维量子结构的物理特性及计算设计” 国家教育部科学技术进步奖 二等奖(1998,第二完成人)








中国高等科学技术中心 协联成员(1988-1998)

金沙总站6165地址学报(自然科学英文版)编委会 副主任(1996-)

日本东北大学金属材料研究所日立附属材料设计部 客员教授(负责人)(1996.5-12)

日本东北大学学际科学研究中心 校聘外籍教授(1997.5-1998.3)

国家科学技术奖励数、理、天文学科评委会 特邀评审委员(1997)

金沙总站6165地址理学院第一届学术委员会 委员(2000-)


发表论文120余篇, 合作著作两部。98篇(第一作者45篇)被SCI收录, 两次荣居SCI论文数全国前十名。论文被引用760余次,被40多个国家和地区的同行他引580余次,重要论文被8个权威刊物的12篇综述文章和两部专著引用,有的被大篇幅收录。 主要论文

Physics in quantum-well materials

[1] Jia-Lin Zhu

Coupling between a donor potential and quantum wells:

Effect on binding energies

Phys. Rev. B 40 10529 (1989).

[2] Jia-Lin Zhu, Dao-Hua Tang and Jia-Jiong Xiong

Subbands and excitons in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells with

different shapes in an electric field

Phys. Rev. B 39 8609 (1989).

[3] Jia-Lin Zhu, Dao-Hua Tang, and Bing-Lin Gu

Dependence of energy shifts on the field direction in a

graded Ga1-xAlxAs quantum well

Phys. Rev. B 39 3896 (1989)

[4] Jia-Lin Zhu, W.H. Duan, and Bing-Lin Gu

Electron-phonon scattering in Ga1-xAlxAs quantum-well structures

in an electric-field

Phys Rev B 50 5473 (1994)

[5] Jia-Lin Zhu and Sheng Xu

Binding and transition energies of off-center D— in quantum

wells and magnetic fields

Phys. Rev. B 50 12175 (1994).

[6] W.H. Duan, Jia-Lin Zhu, and Bing-Lin Gu

Electron-interface-phonon scattering in graded quantum wells

of Ga1-xAlxAs

Phys. Rev. B 50 14403 (1994).

[7] Jia-Lin Zhu, D.L. Lin and Y. Kawazoe

Energy levels of D0 and D— in graded quantum well structures

of GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs under magnetic fields

Phys. Rev.B 54 16786 (1996).

[8] Z.X.Jiang, B.D.McCombe, Jia-Lin Zhu and W.Schaff

Magnetic-field-induced unbinding of the off-well-center

D—-singlet state in GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum wells

Phys. Rev.B 56 R1692 (1997).

Electronic structures and confinement effects in quantum dots

[9] Jia-Lin Zhu, Jia-Jiong Xiong and Bing-Lin Gu

Confined electron and hydrogenic donor states in a spherical

quantum dot of GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs

Phys. Rev. B 41 6001 (1990).

[10] Jia-Lin Zhu, Jie-Hua Zhao and Bing-Lin Gu

D— centers in spherical quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 46 7546 (1992).

[11] Jia-Lin Zhu, Jie-Hua Zhao and Jia-Jiong Xiong

Dimensionality and potential-shape effects on D0 and

D— ground states in quantum dots

Phys. Rev.B 50 1832 (1994).

[12] Jia-Lin Zhu, and Xi Chen

Spectrum and binding of an off-center donor in a

spherical quantum dot

Phys. Rev. B 50 4497 (1994).

[13] Jia-Lin Zhu, Zhi-Qiang Li, Jing-Zhi Yu, K. Ohno and Y. Kawazoe

Size and shape effects of quantum dots on two-electron spectra

Phys. Rev. B 55 15819 (1997).

[14] Jia-Lin Zhu, Z. Zhu, Y. Kawazoe and T. Yao

Spin oscillation and its reduction in a quantum dot

Phys. Rev. B 58 13755 (1998).

Macroscopic quantum coherence and tunneling in magnetic nanoparticles

[15] Rong Lu, Jia-Lin Zhu, Xiao-Bing Wang and Lee Chang

Resonant quantum coherence of the Neel vector in a magnetic

field applied along the medium axis

Phys. Rev. B 58 8542 (1998).

[16] Rong Lu, Jia-Lin Zhu, Xiao-Bing Wang and Lee Chang

Macroscopic quantum coherence and tunneling of an antiferromagnetic

nanoparticle in a magnetic field at an arbitrarily directed angle

Phys. Rev. B 60 4101 (1999).

[17] Rong Lu, Jia-Lin Zhu, Yi Zhou and Bing-Lin Gu

Phase intereference of spin tunneling in an arbitrarily directed

magnetic field Phys. Rev. B 62 11661(2000).

[18] Rong Lü, Jia-Lin Zhu, Yi Zhou, and Bing-Lin Gu

Spin-phase interference, coherent superposition, and quantum

tunneling at excited levels in nanoantiferromagnets

Phys. Rev. B 64 064423 (2001)

Electronic structures and transport properties in carbon nanotubes

[19] Hai-Feng Song, Jia-Lin Zhu, Jia-Jiong Xiong

Symmetry effect on the conductance of two-defect carbon nanotubes

Phys. Rev B 65 085408 (2002)

[20] Hai-Feng Song, Jia-Lin Zhu, Jia-Jiong Xiong

Quantum interference induced by nonmagnetic impurities

in a single-walled carbon nanotube

Phys. Rev. B 66 245421 (2002).

[21] Feng Wei, Jia-Lin Zhu, Hao-Ming Chen

Density of states for metallic carbon nanotubes with

a magnetic impurity

Phys. Rev. B 67 085422 (2003)

Prediction and control for quantum behaviors in complex nanorings

[22] Jia-Lin Zhu, Xi Chen and Y. Kawazoe

Persistent current in a one-dimensional disordered ring in

the Luttinger model

Phys. Rev. B 55 16300 (1997).

[23] Hui Hu, Jia-Lin Zhu, and J.J.Xiong

Energy levels and far-infrared spectroscopy for two electrons

in a nanoscopic semiconductor rings

Phys. Rev. B 62 16777 (2000).

[24] Hui Hu, Jia-Lin Zhu, Dai-Jun Li, and Jia-Jiong Xiong

Aharonov-Bohm effect of excitons in nanorings

Phys. Rev. B 63 195307 (2001)

[25] Jia-Lin Zhu, Xi-Quan Yu, Zhen -Sheng Dai, and Xiao Hu,

Aharonov-Bohm oscillation modes in double-barrier nanorings,

Phys. Rev. B 67, 075404 (2003).

[26] Xi-Quan Yu , Jia-Lin Zhu, and Xiao Hu,

Controllable electronic structures and related properties

in a double-barrier nanoring,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4567 (2003).

Exact solutions for low-dimensional systems

[27] Jia-Lin Zhu

Exact solutions for hydrogenic donor states in a spherically

rectangular well

Phys. Rev. B 39 Rapid Communications 8780 (1989).

[28] Jia-Lin Zhu and Jia-Jiong Xiong

Hydrogen molecular ions in two dimensions

Phys. Rev. B 41 12274 (1990).

[29] Jia-Lin Zhu, Yong Cheng and Jia-Jiong Xiong

Quantum levels and Zeeman splitting for two-dimensional

hydrogenic donor states in a magnetic field

Phys. Rev.B 41 10792 (1990).

[30] Jia-Lin Zhu, Zhen-Sheng Dai, and Xiao Hu,

Two-electrons in one-dimensional nanorings: Exact solutions

and interaction energies, Phys. Rev. B 68, 045324 (2003).

Subjects related to low-dimensional materials

[31] A.Q. Lu, K. A. Chao and Jia-Lin Zhu

Correlated shallow impurity bands in doped semiconductors

Phys. Rev. B 31 8087 (1985).

[32] Bing-Lin Gu, Jun. Ni and Jia-Lin Zhu

Structure of alloy (GaAs)1-xGe2x and its electronic properties

Phys. Rev. B 45 4071 (1992).

[33] Zhi-Qiang Li, Jia-Lin Zhu, C.Q. Wu, Z. Tang and Y. Kawazoe

Relaxations of TiO2— and SrO— terminated SrTiO3 (001) surfaces

Phys. Rev. B 58 8075 (1998).