
王怀玉 教授



北京 100084










烟台大学物理系助教(1985.10-1987.8),讲师(1990.7-1992.8),副教授(1992.9-1997.9), 教授(1997.10-2000.3),

金沙总站6165地址物理系教授 (2000.4-)



瑞典美国Ames Lab访问学者(2006.1-1996.3)













《Green’s Functions in Condensed Matter Physics》被评为2013北京高等教育精品教材












7. 王怀玉 《物理学中的数学方法习题集》中国科学技术大学出版社 2019年5月

6. Wang Huaiyu 《Mathematics for Physicists》World Scientific Publishing Company and Science Press,2017年3月


4. Wang Huaiyu《Green’s Functions in Condensed Matter Physics》Alpha Science International ltd. and Science Press,2012年3月。

3. 王怀玉 《凝聚态物理学的格林函数理论》 (60万字)科学出版社,2008年5月。

2. 邓新元、刘凤英, 王怀玉《大学物理学思考题解答》金沙总站6165地址出版社。 2004年8月(本人完成其中第二册《热学》和第五册《量子物理学》全部思考题解答。)

1. 王怀玉 《物理学中的格林函数方法》 (38万字)香港教科文出版有限公司,1998年12月。



94. Theoretical investigation of the ferromagnetism on VS2 monolayers with exchange anisotropy

Journal: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Ning-Ning Sun, Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 477: 232-236 (2019)

93. Phase diagrams and elastic properties of the Fe-Cr-Al alloys: A first-principles based study

Ruirui Wang, Xiao Zhang, Huaiyu Wang, Jun Ni

CALPHA 64 (2019) 55–65

92. Phase transition of the frustrated antiferromagntic J1-J2-J3 spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice

Ai-Yuan Hu Huai-Yu Wang

Frontiers of Physics 14(1), 13605(10pp) (2019)

91. 量子力学的三种绘景

王怀玉, 大学物理 第37卷12期,7-10 (2018)

90. Magnetic field effects on transport through a strongly correlated dot coupled to the Luttinger leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Xu Wang, Chang-Dong Qin, Huai-Yu Wang, Min Cui, Yong-Xi Dai

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 192, 286-298 (2018)

89. Hybridized Kibble-Zurek scaling in the driven critical dynamics across an overlapping critical region

Liang-Jun Zhai, Huai-Yu Wang, Shuai Yin

Phys. Rev. B 97, 134108 (2018)

88. The J1-J2 model on the face-centered-cubic lattices

Ning-Ning Sun, Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 454: 176-184 (2018)

87. Investigation of possible phase transition of the frustrated spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_3$ model on the square lattice

Ai-Yuan Hu Huai-Yu Wang

Scientific Reports 7, 10477-1-13 (2017)

86. Effects of Luttinger Leads on the AC Conductance of a Quantum Dot

Kai-Hua Yang, Chang-Dong Qin, Huai-Yu Wang and Kai-Di Liu

Physics Letters A 381 1328-1334 (2017)

85. Effects of Luttinger Leads on the AC Conductance of a Quantum Dot

Kai-Hua Yang, Chang-Dong Qin, Huai-Yu Wang and Kai-Di Liu

Physics Letters A

84. The generalized scattering coefficient method for plane wave scattering in layered structures

Yu Liu, Chao Li, Huai-Yu Wang and Yun-Song Zhou

Citation: Am. J. Phys. 85, 146-154 (2017); doi: 10.1119/1.4965884

83 The magnetic and multiferroic properties in BiMnO3

Liang-Jun Zhai and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 426: 188-194 (2017)

82 Magnetic field effects on the DOS of a Kondo quantum dot coupled to LL leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Chang-Dong Qin, Huai-Yu Wang and Xu Wang

Solid State Communication, 250, 57–63 (2017)

81 Composite one-way transmission waveguide based on the curved metal slit and 1D photonic crystal

Qi Gao, Yun-Song Zhou, Hua Gao, Huai-Yu Wang

AIP ADVANCES 6, 105209 (2016)

80 Effects of the interplay of neighboring couplings on the possible phase transition of a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic system

Ai-Yuan Hu Huai-Yu Wang

Phys. Rev. E 94, 012142 (2016)

79 Phase transition of anisotropic frustrated Heisenberg model on the square lattice

Ai-Yuan Hu Huai-Yu Wang

Phys. Rev. E 93, 012108 (2016)

78 The optical one-way transmission in helical metal subwavelength slit

Yan Zhao, Yun-Song Zhou , Li-Ming Zhao, Huai-Yu Wang

Optics Communications 381, 195–199, (2016)

77 Compensation temperature of the two-dimension mixed spin-1 and spin-3/2 anisotropic Heisenberg ferrimagnet

Yu Liu, Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 411: 55-61 (2016)

76 Extension And Optimization of The Axisymmetric 2.5D Eigensolver: Towards Far-?eld Calculations in Strati?ed Backgrounds

Chao Li, Teng-Wei Zhang, Huai-Yu Wang, and Xue-Hua Wang

IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, 64(6), 2431-2444 (2016)

75 The compensation temperature of a mixed spin-1/2 and spin-1 Heisenberg ferromagnetic system

Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang

Materials Research Express 3, 036105 (2016)

74 The imaging properties of the metal superlens

Chen Zhao, Yun-Song, Yan Zhang, Huai-Yu Wang

Optics Communications 368, 180-184 (2016)



中国科学 46(8), 087511 (2016)

72 AC-field-induced quantum phase transitions in density of states

Kai-Hua Yang, Kai-Di Liu, Huai-Yu Wang, and Chang-Dong Qing

Eur. Phys. J. B (2016) 89(0): 40

71 Optical unidirectional transmission in metal slit structures caused by convergent and shield e?ects

Yun-Song Zhou, Hai Wang, Li-Ming Zhao and Huai-Yu Wang

Eur. Phys. J. D (2015) 69(8): 201

70 Magnetic correlations in ferromagnetic single-walled nanotubes

Bin-Zhou Mi and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 390: 132-136 (2015)

69 A new possible transition from one- to two- channel Kondo physics in mesoscopic transport

Kai-Hua Yang, Xian He, Huai-Yu Wang, and Kai-Di Liu

Phyica E 72 140-148 (2015)

68 Effects of magnetic correlation on the electric properties in multiferroic materials

Liang-Jun Zhai and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 377: 121-125 (2015)

67 Theoretical study of mutual control mechanism between magnetization and polarization in multiferroic materials

Yu Liu, Liang-Jun Zhai and Huai-Yu Wang

Chin. Phys. B 24(3) 037510 (2015)

66 The exchange interaction values of perovskite-type materials EuTiO3 and EuZrO3

Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang,

J. Appl. Phys., 116, 193903 (2015)

65 Theoretical study of magnetic spin correlations and the magnetocapacitance effect in BiMnO3

Liang-Jun Zhai and Huai-Yu Wang

Eur. Phys. J. B (2014) 87(10): 250

64 The shot noise of a strongly correlated quantum dot coupled to the Luttinger liquid leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Xian He, Huai-Yu Wang, Kai-Di Liu and Bei-Yun Liu

Physics Letters A 378 3136-3143 (2014)

63 Power-law behavior in electron transport through a quantum dot with Luttinger liquid leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Xian He, Huai-Yu Wang, Kai-Di Liu, and Bei-Yun Liu

Eur. Phys. J. B (2014) 87(6): 172

62 An optical unidirectional device tunable by a magnetic field

Ming-Yang Wang, Yun-Song Zhou, and Huai-Yu Wang

Optics Communications 322 198-201 (2014)

61 The thermodynamic properties of ferromagentic and antiferromagnetic systems

Wei Qin, Huai-Yu Wang, Gui-lu Long

Chinese Physics B 23(3) 037502 (2014)

60 Mechanism of the optical unidirectional transmission in metal subwavelength grating with different surfaces

Chen Zhao, Yun-Song Zhou, Huai-Yu Wang, Hai Wang1, Li-Ming Zhao

Optics Communications, 316, 17-21 (2014).

59. Phonon-assisted zero bias anomaly in a single-molecule quantum dot coupled to the Luttinger liquid leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Bei-Yun Liu, Huai-Yu Wang and Xian He

Physics Letters A 378 257-261 (2014)

58 The internal energies of Heisenberg magnetic systems

Huai-Yu Wang, Liang-Jun Zhai and Meichun Qian

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. , 354 309-316 (2014)

57 Phonon-assisted and two-channel Kondo effect in a vibrating molecular dot coupled to Luttinger liquid leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Bei-Yun Liu, Huai-Yu Wang and Xian He

Solid State Communication 178 50-53 (2014)

56 The zero bias anomaly conductance of a strongly correlated dot coupled to Luttinger liquid leads

Kai-Hua Yang, Bei-Yun Liu, Huai-Yu Wang and Xian He

Europhysics Letters, 104, 37009 (2013)

55 Optical Transmission Through an Interface Between Subwavelength Slits

Li-Li Tian, Huai-Yu Wang, and Yun-Song Zhou

Optik 124 6222-6226 (2013)

54 Enhancement of the shot noise of a quantum dot-Luttinger lead system

Kai-Hua Yang, Bei-Yun Liu, Huai-Yu Wang and Xian He

Physics Letters A 377 1954-1960 (2013)

53 The effect of transverse correlation function on the thermodynamic quantities of ferromagnetic systems

Wei Qin, Huai-Yu Wang, and Gui-Lu Long

Communications in Theoretical Physics, 59(4), 494-502 (2013)

52 Density of state of a strongly correlated quantum dot coupled to Luttinger liquid

Kai-Hua Yang, Yang Chen, Huai-Yu Wang and Bei-Yun Liu

Physics Letters A, 377 (9) 687-693 (2013)

51 Effects of interplay between metal subwavelength slits on extraordinary optical transmission

Fei-Fei Wei, Huai-Yu Wang and Yun-Song Zhou,

Chinese Physics B, 22 (2) 024201-1-8 (2013)

50 Transport through a quantum dot with Coulombic dot-lead coupling

Kai-Hua Yang, Yang Chen, Huai-Yu Wang and Bei-Yun Liu

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 170(1) (2013) 116-130

49 The Phase Transition of Square Lattice Antiferromagnets at Finite Temperature

Huai-Yu Wang

Phys. Rev. B 86, 144411 (2012)

48 Zero-refraction in natural materials and the mechanism of metal superlens

Yun-Song Zhou1, Huai-Yu Wang and Hai Wang

Europhysics Letters, 98, 67005 (2012)

47 Plasmonic band structures and optical properties of subwavelength metal/dielectric/metal Bragg waveguides

Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou, and Huai-Yu Wang

Optics express, 20(7), 7726-7740 (2012)

46 The Modulation and Enhancement of Thermopower in a Luttinger liquid

Kai-Hua Yang, Yang Chen, Huai-Yu Wang and Yan-Ju Wu

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 167,26-38 (2012)

45 Scattering mechanism in a step-modulated subwavelength metal slit: a multi-mode multi-re?ection analysis

Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou, and Huai-Yu Wang,

Eur. Phy. J. D (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10909-012-0468-z Eur. Phys. J. D (2012) 66: 9 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2011-20502-8 2011

44 影响近场光线探针传输效率的若干因素


光谱学与光谱分析,Vol. 31, No. 10 2602-2605 (2011)

43 Investigation of the wave behaviors inside a step-modulated subwavelength metal slit

Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou, Huai-Yu Wang, and Fu-He Wang

Optics express 23 May 2011/Vol. 19, No. 11 / Optics express 10073-10087 (2011)

42 The correlation between single-slit and inter-slit effects in a subwavelength metal double-slit device

Xiao-Lan Zhong, Yun-Song Zhou, Huai-Yu Wang , Fu-He Wang

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7848 784804-1-11 (2011) Proceedings of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers

41 Enhancement of the contrast ratio associated with surface waves in a metal pillar-slit structure

Yun-Song Zhou, Huai-Yu Wang, Li-Ming Zhao, Sheng Lan

Phys. Rev. A 83, 035805-1-4 (2011)

40 Theoretical investigations of magnetic properties of ferromagnetic single-layered nanobelts

Bin-Zhou Mi, Huai-Yu Wang, and Yun-Song Zhou

Phys. Sol. Stat., b248(5), 1280-1286 (2011)

39 The mechanism of the polarization dependence of the optical transmission in subwavelength metal hole arrays

Qian Zhao, Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 015005 (9pp) doi:10.1088/0953-8984/23/1/015005

38 Enhancement of the extraordinary optical transmission in a subwavelength metal slit dressed by a metal grating

Yun-Song Zhou, Ben-Yuan Gu, Huai-Yu Wang, Li-Ming Zhao

Phys. Rev. A 81, 035803 (2010)

37 Numerical confirmation of the multi-reflections of light inside a subwavelength metal slit structure

Zhou Yun-Song, Gu Ben-Yuan, Wang Huai-Yu,Lan Sheng

Chinese Physics Letter, Vol. 27, No. 3 037801 (2010)

36 Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic Single-walled Nanotubes

Mi Bin-Zhou,Wang Huai-Yu,Zhou Yun-Song

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. , 322(8), 952-958 (2010)

35 Band-gap structures of surface-plasmon polaritons in a subwavelength metal slit filled with periodic dielectrics

Yun-Song Zhou, Ben-Yuan Gu, and Huai-Yu Wang

Phys. Rev. A Vol.81, 015801 (2010)

34 Wavelength squeeze of surface plasmon polariton in a subwavelength metal slit

Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou, Huai-Yu Wang, Fu-He Wang

Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 27, No. 1,59 (2010)

33 Comprehensive theory for reduction of products of spin operators

Huai-Yu Wang Physics Letters A 373, 3374 (2009)

32 Multi-reflection processes of extraordinary optical transmission in a single subwavelength slit cut into a metallic film

Yun-Song Zhou, Ben-Yuan Gu, Huai-Yu Wang, Sheng Lan

Europhysics Letters, 85, 24005 (2009)

31 The spectral theorem of the many-body Green’s functions when complex eigenvalues appear

Wang Huai-Yu

Communications in Theoretical Physics,Vol. 51,No. 5, 931(2009)

30 Theoretical Investigation of Exchange Bias in the Compensated Cases,

Xiong Zhi-Jie, Wang Huai-Yu and Ding Ze-Jun

Communications in Theoretical Physics,Vol. 50, 1241(2008)

29 海森伯铁磁系统的总能量

王怀玉,夏青,物理学报,56(9),5466-5470 (2007)

28 Theoretical investigation of exchange bias

Xiong Zhi-Jie, Wang Huai-Yu and Ding Ze-Jun

Chinese Physics, 16(7) 2123 (2007)

27 Atomistic study of the pressure-induced phase-transition mechanism in GaAs by M?bius inversion potentials

Jin Cai, Nanxian Chen, Huaiyu Wang

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 68 445 (2007)

26 The magnetization of ferromagnetic polycrystals subject to an external magnetic field

Huai-Yu Wang and Kun Xun

Phys. Rev. B74, No.21, 214425 (2006)

25 Many-body Green's function theory of magnetic films with arbitrarily arranged single-ion anisotropies

Huai-Yu Wang, S. U. Jen and Jing-Zhi Yu,

Phys. Rev. B73, No.9, 094414 (2006)

24 Electronic and magnetic properties of Mn/Ge Digital Ferromagnetic Heterostructures: An ab initio investigation

Huai-Yu Wang and M. C. Qian

J. Apply. Phys., 99(8), 08D705 (2006)

23 Statistical average of spin operators for calculation of three-component magnetization:(II)the solution of the equation

Huai-Yu Wang, Yao Long and Nan-Xian Chen

Communications in Theoretical Physics,Vol. 45,No. 1, 175 (2006)

22 Hysteresis in a quantum spin model: oscillation behavior and negative energy dissipation

Huai-Yu Wang, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 19(23), 1131(2005)

21 Theoretical investigations of misfit dislocation in Pd/MgO(001) interface

Yao Long,Nanxian Chen and Huaiyu Wang,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17, 6149 (2005)

20 Theoretical investigation on the phase stability of Nd2Fe14B and site preference of V, Cr, Mn, Zr and Nb

Huai-Yu Wang, Feng-Ai Zhao, Nan-Xian Chen and Gang Liu

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. , 295(3), 219 (2005)

19 Density-functional formula for strongly correlated systems

WANG Huaiyu, HAN Rushan, CHEN Nanxian

PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, Vol.15,No. 5, 395 (2005)

18 The statistical average of spin operators for calculation of three-component magnetization

Huai-Yu Wang, Bin Zhou and Nan-Xian Chen

Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 43,No. 4, 753 (2005)

17 Individual monolayer analysis of anomalous hysteresis loops

Huai-Yu Wang, Kun Xun, and Lin Xiao

Phys. Rev. B, B70, No.21, 214431, (2004)

16 Many-body Green’s function theory of ferromagnetic systems with single-ion anisotropies in more than one direction

Huai-Yu Wang, Zhen-Hong Dai, P. Frobrich, P. J. Jensen and P. J. Kuntz

Phys. Rev. B70, 134424 (2004)

15 Magnetization in the case of anisotropic exchange interaction

Huai-Yu Wang, Chong-Yu Wang, En-Ge Wang,

Phys. Rev. B69, 174431 (2004)

14 Quantum statistical calculation of exchange bias

Huai-Yu Wang and Zhen-Hong Dai,

Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 42, 141 (2004)

13 Magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic films under external field

Huai-Yu Wang, Huang Chen,M. C. Qian and En Ge Wang

J. Appl. Phys., Vol.95, No.11, 7551 (2004)

12 Magnetic and structural properties of the zinc-blende MnAs nanocrystallite: An ab initio investigation

M. C. Qian, C. Y. Fong, W. E. Pickett and Huai-Yu Wang

J. Appl. Phys. Vol.95, No.11, 7459 (2004)

11 Magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic monolayer under external field

Huang Chen,Wang Huai-Yu, Wang En Ge

Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.20, No.9, 1593 (2003)

10 The effect of electron itineracy on the magnetism of S=1/2 ferromagnetic Ising model

Huai-Yu Wang, Jian-Hua Wu and Kun Xun

Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 39, No.5, 617--620 (2003)

9 A comprehensive study of Heisenberg-like systems with internal spin fluctuation

Huai-Yu Wang, Shan-Ying Wang, Chong-Yu Wang, Wen-Hui Duan, and Ke-Qiu Chen

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 2783–2796 (2003)

8 The fermion Green's function theory for calculation of magnetization

Wang Huai Yu, Chen Ke Qiu, Wang En Ge

Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 16, No.25, 3803--3816 (2002)

7 Abnomal magnetism and phase transformation of Heisenberg-like model with internal spin fluctuation

Wang Huai Yu, Chen Ke Qiu, Wang En Ge

Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 66, 092405 (2002)

6 Phase diagram of Ising nano particles with cubic structure

Wang Huai Yu, Zhou Yun Song, Lin D L, Wang Chong Yu

Phys. Sol. Stat., Vol. 232, No.2, 254 (2002)

5 Magnetization of coupled ultrathin ferromagnetic films

Wang Huai Yu, Zhou Yun Song, Wang Chong Yu

Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 38, No.1, 107 (2002)

4 Investigation of ultrathin ferromagnetic film with a sc lattice

Wang Huai Yu, Zhou Yun Song, Wang Chong Yu, Lin D L

Chinese Physics, Vol. 11, No. 2 167 (2002)

3 Critical point of magnetic nanostructures on the Ising model

Wang Huai-yu, Zhou Yun-song, En-ge Wang and D.L.Lin

Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 39, 85-89(2001)

2 Approximation method for calculation of strongly correlated systems of electrons

Huai-yu Wang

Phys. Rev. B62, No. 20 13383(2000)

1 Critical Point of Ising Films with Different Growth Directions

WANG Huai-yu, ZHOU Yun-song and D.L.Lin

Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.17, 55 (2000)

-1 Electronic Structure of Quasi-one Dimensional Model

Wang Huaiyu

Communications in Theoretical Physics, 31, No.1, 65-72 (1999)

-2 Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Molecule and Its Ions

Wang Huai-yu, Sun Jin-zuo and Yang Fu-ming,

Chin. Phys. Lett. 15(3), 173-174 (1998)