Recent Activities

Muqing Xu:Quantum gas microscopy of the Fermi Hubbard model


Abstract: Quantum gas microscopy of ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices allows studying strongly correlated low-temperature phases in the Hubbard model by offering readout and manipulation at single-site resolution. Through an entropy redistribution technique we have demonstrated long-range antiferromagnetic order extending over our entire sample, a disk spanning ten sites across filled with a two-component spin mixture of ultracold fermionic Li-6 atoms in a square lattice. By hole doping the system away from half-filling we study the interplay between holes and the antiferromagnetic order: the presence of holes is predicted to distort the spin order and may for a holon-spinon string pattern. This could be an essential aspect of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates, and the readout of our microscope allows us to directly address this question. We are also developing new techniques in accessing lower entropy states by building a new low noise interfering optical lattice. By tuning the phase between interfering lattice arms would allow for various ways of entropy engineering.