Recent Activities

Shuolong Yang:Equilibrium and non-equilibrium probes of cooperative interactions in quantum materials


Abstract: Interactions of fundamental degrees of freedom in solids lead to a plethora of collective quantum phenomena, such as superconductivity, density waves, and topological states of matter. Equilibrium spectroscopies including angle-resolved photoemission, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, and scattering experiments have yielded enormous information on the interactions between charge, orbital, spin and lattice, yet these interactions are often difficult to be disentangled. In the first part of my talk, I will use exemplary studies on cuprate superconductors and FeSe thin films to elucidate how time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy provides new insight on cooperative interactions. Using femtosecond laser pulses, we launch coherent lattice vibrations and observe oscillations of the electronic band structure. This experiment enables a direct quantification of electron-phonon interactions without resorting to theoretical calculations. In the second part, I will demonstrate our latest results using in situ photoemission and in situ transport to understand high temperature superconductivity in monolayer and multilayer iron selenide. Our experiments suggest that high temperature superconductivity is confined to the interfacial layer, and survives even when additional FeSe layers are deposited. The implications on the nature of superconductivity in monolayer FeSe will be discussed.