Recent Activities

Song Liu:Self-organization in microorganisms


报告题目:Self-organization in microorganisms

报告人: 刘松 Institute for Basic Science, South Korea


报告地点:理科楼C302报告厅/ 腾讯会议ID:896 653 950


The research of physics is stepping to elucidate principles of the organization and function in living systems. Studying the emergent behaviors of living system can enhance our understanding of the systems and help to investigate new frameworks of statistical physics of non-equilibrium systems. In this talk, I will firstly introduce a novel and simple means to control the spatiotemporal order of bacterial suspensions. By manipulating the viscoelasticity of confined bacterial fluids, we observe the bacterial fluids undergo disorder-to-order transition in space. Then I will present our discovery of a new form of biological collective oscillation: bacterial collective oscillation without an individual oscillator. At last, I will talk about the correlated membrane potential dynamics found in algae colony. These findings reveal previously unrecognized facets of collective behaviors in bacteria and algae and may inspire new strategies to control the self-organization of living active matter.


Dr. Song Liu is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Soft and Living Matter, Institute for Basic Science in South Korea, where he studies the individual and collective behaviors of green algae. He obtained his B.S. degree in physics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2014, and Ph.D. degree in physics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Yilin Wu in 2018. In Ph.D. research, he studied the bacterial collective motion. His research focuses on the self-organization of biological systems and the physical mechanisms behind.